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Dry Needling

30 Minute Express Dry Needling Session - $75.00

Dry needling is a technique used to release tight muscles and alleviate pain. It involves the use of thin, sterile needles that are inserted through the skin and into trigger points, or knots in the muscles. Dry needling is based on modern Western medicine principles, targeting tense muscles and reducing pain. Dry needling can be effective in reducing muscle pain, increasing flexibility, and improving range of motion.


What is the purpose of dry needling?

The aim of dry needling is to release trigger points, which are areas of tightness and hypersensitivity in muscles, fascia, and other connective tissues.


These trigger points can cause pain and other symptoms, as well as limit range of motion and function. Inserting a needle into a trigger point, can stimulate a twitch response in the muscle, which helps to release tension and improve circulation.


It is used primarily for decreasing muscle tightness and spasms, relieving pain, activating muscles correctly and relaxing tight muscles.


Dry needling is of most benefit to people suffering from:


Acute sporting injuries

Lower back pain and neck pain (including tension and postural problems)

Pelvic pain


Elbow and wrist tendonitis

Rotator cuff issues and general shoulder pain

Foot and ankle problems including achilles pain and tendonitis

Buttock and leg pain (including sciatic pain)

Hamstring strains, knee pain and calf tightness or cramps


How does Dry Needling 

 It involves inserting thin, filament-like needles into specific trigger points or tight muscles to alleviate pain, improve muscle function, and promote overall healing. 


​Here's how dry needling works:


  1. Identification of Trigger Points: The therapist identifies trigger points, which are localised knots or tight bands within muscles that are often tender and can contribute to pain and dysfunction. These trigger points can be a result of injuries, overuse, poor posture, or other factors.

  2. Needle Insertion: A thin, solid needle is inserted into the trigger point. The needle used in dry needling is much thinner than the needles used in hypodermic syringes and is specifically designed to minimize discomfort during insertion.

  3. Muscle Response: The insertion of the needle into the trigger point can cause a response known as the "twitch response." This is a brief, involuntary contraction of the muscle. It is thought that this twitch response helps to release muscle tension, improve blood flow, and reset the nervous system's signaling.

  4. Pain Relief and Muscle Function: The goal of dry needling is to release tension in the muscle, which can help reduce pain and improve muscle function. By targeting trigger points, the therapist aims to encourage relaxation and improved blood flow to the area, which can aid in the healing process.

  5. Neurological Effects: Dry needling is also believed to have neurological effects. By stimulating sensory nerves in the muscles, it can help reset pain perception and reduce pain signals sent to the brain. Additionally, the insertion of the needle can stimulate the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers.

  6. Local and Systemic Effects: The effects of dry needling are not only local but can also have systemic impacts. Improving blood flow and muscle function in the treated area can have positive effects on the surrounding tissues and joints.

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