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Initial Consult / 60 Minutes - $120.00

Initial Consultation Exercise Physiology

An initial consultation is the first step to beginning your personalised care plan for any musculoskeletal or movement-related condition. In this appointment, we will assess your condition and movement to determine the best course of treatment. We will then identify the specific areas of concern and develop a customised treatment plan for you. 


Based on this assessment, we will develop an individualised treatment plan that may include at-home and in-person exercises, manual therapy techniques, modalities like heat or cold therapy and education on body mechanics and injury prevention.

The goal of our rehabilitation is to reduce pain, improve mobility and function, enhance muscular strength and endurance, and promote overall wellness. The duration of treatment will vary depending on the individual's condition and progress. Regular follow-up visits and home exercises may be necessary to achieve optimal outcomes.

If you're wanting more information, please enquiry below or contact Alex on 0431163724 or via email

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